1. Prometheus export/import

    bumping into the case where once deployed a full stack application we don't have any direct connection due to no uplink for security reasons.

    So we (you too @Tom) looked into a way to export the prometheus data into a tar.gz which could be transferred and imported into an instance on our local machine.

    After the initial blog post where we created a tar.gz file from the prometheus storage.tsdb.path on the filesystem @roidelapluie pointed me out about the snapshot feature.

    So we did a bit of research and came up with this new procedure.

    First of …

  2. Prometheus consul service discovery

    as published a few months ago I worked out a dockerized a jenkins farm where both master as slaves are docker containers working together with services like nexus and such. Next to that setup I've dockerized my home setup where services like pi-hole, home-assistant and others are running as docker containers on a thin client I promoted to my home lab.

    To have an overview about all those containers and the resources they are consuming I pulled in the git repo of Brian Christner which spins up a whole prometheus stack with some exporters and a grafana instance to visualize …

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