1. Traefik nomad route53 setup

    I have this nomad cluster running on some spare devices for a while now. Serving my plane spotting setup, dns setup, mqtt bridge and some other services I experiment with throughout the years. Until today I've always relied on the ip addresses to point my browser and other services towards the different services. For my DNS setup I even had to pin the jobs towards specific hardware using meta data.

    But I've always wanted to implement a proxy in between so I could rely on DNS names instead. This would also increase the flexibility of my DNS setup since for …

  2. Nexus OSS repository manager

    looking for a global repository store which could store maven projects, yum repositories, docker repositories, we bumped into Nexus repository manager. We used the official docker image to see how it can be implemented in the dockerized CI environment.

    docker repository

    as a first the docker repository feature could be enabled so we can start building and storing docker images for the different jenkins build slaves and the jenkins master so our work is reproducible and stored in a safe central place.

    We configured 3 repositories in nexus for our docker images seen as a recommended approach in the nexus …

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