1. Vagrant puppet setup

    We at Inuits are using vagrant for a lot of use cases, neither you are a developer or a sysadmin you for sure will walk into it. Me, myself I do use it merely to automate the many different use cases asked by various projects. It took some time to get myself organized with this pretty nifty piece of software.

    In the beginning I used it with the default virtualization provider virtualbox later on I switched to lxc containers instead. By using those containers I already gained on performance. Spinning up and down new containers to test if an application …

  2. vagrant-setup

    In this article I'll try to describe how I use vagrant in my daily tasks as an operations dude as well as I deployed it at one of our customers to help the developers focusing on the coding part rather than the operations part.


    Since the beginning of my career at inuits I'm using vagrant almost everyday. If I got payed every time I spin up a box I could have bought that tesla already some years ago! But unfortunately I'm not :)

    For almost 99% of the use cases I use this nifty tool it's related to puppet. Writing …

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