Back in the days I once wrote a blogpost about a conky setup on a Ubuntu desktop. In the meantime I'm not using ubuntu anymore and kinda tweaked my whole conky setup. I switched to fedora 18 and using conky-colors those days in front of the ratpoison window manager.

This post will go trough all the steps I did to came to the actual result. When something isn't clear, or could be done on a more smoother/better way, please feel free to bug me about it!

Installing some required packages before actually compiling the conky-colors source:

$ sudo yum install hddtemp curl lm-sensors conky

Next thing is to scan your local machine for all available sensors (answering yes on all questions):

$ sudo sensors-detect

Once the pre requirements are successfully installed on your system we can start compiling the source of conky colors:

$ cd into/unzipped/source/directory
$ make
$ sudo make install

Once that is done we can start by actually generating your desired conky setup. I based my setup on the SLIM theme and adopted it afterwards. Your custom weather code is based on the yahoo service.

$ conky-colors --slim --w=1440 --h=900 --theme=white --weather=brxx0043

Two important files will be generated by this command. One will be located in your homedir and should be named like ~/.conkycolors/conkyrc. This is the config file we need to call when actually starting the conky daemon afterwards. Some configuration parameters to your specific layout can be adopted.

Initial conky slim view

I changed some of those params in the conkyrc file, so the conky bar is located at the bottom om my screen (dell latitude E6530) with yellow colors and a border around it.

Changed color scheme to yellow view
own_window_type override

alignment bottom_left
gap_x 5
gap_y 5
minimum_size 1910 80
maximum_width 1910 80

draw_borders yes

color0 white
color1 CE5C00
color2 white
color3 CE5C00

The command to run the conky daemon:

$ conky -c ~/.conkyrc
$ CTRL-C to stop the job

# Move the conky job in the background
$ conky -c ~/.conkyrc &

We now should have a standard conky-colors theme running. But it wasn't sufficient for me. I kinda tweaked the whole setup and added some additional features:

Customized view

All those tweaks were added to the conkySlim.lua file:

$ sudo vim /usr/share/conkycolors/scripts/conkySlim.lua

The fist tweak is the linux logo at the beginning of the conky screen (using the OpenLogos font):

settings = {--VARIA
        x=50             , y=95          ,
        txt_weight=0        , txt_size=100 ,
        txt_fg_colour=theme , txt_fg_alpha=fga ,

The second tweak is about the 2nd column in the conky output. I'll start with the uptime and update config which are quite straightforward:

settings = {--UPTIME TITLE
    txt=conky_parse("Uptime: "),
    x=100               , y=20            ,
    txt_weight=0        , txt_size=12 ,
    txt_fg_colour=theme , txt_fg_alpha=fga    ,

settings = {--UPTIME TITLE
    x=160               , y=20            ,
    txt_weight=1        , txt_size=12 ,
    txt_fg_colour=theme , txt_fg_alpha=fga    ,

settings = {--UPDATES TITLE
    txt=conky_parse("Updates: "),
    x=100               , y=35           ,
    txt_weight=0        , txt_size=12 ,
    txt_fg_colour=fgc , txt_fg_alpha=fga    ,

updates = conky_parse("${execi 360 yum -e0 -d0 check-update | wc -l}")

if updates > '9' then
    color = theme
    weight = '1'
    message = 'available'
    xAs = '175'
elseif updates > '0' then
    color = theme
    weight = '1'
    message = 'available'
    xAs = '180'
    color = fgc
    weight = '0'
    message = ''
    xAs = '175'
settings = {--# UPDATES
    x=160               , y=35           ,
    txt_weight=weight        , txt_size=12 ,
    txt_fg_colour=color , txt_fg_alpha=fga    ,

settings = {--UPDATES MESSAGE
    x=xAs      , y=35           ,
    txt_weight=0        , txt_size=12 ,
    txt_fg_colour=fgc , txt_fg_alpha=fga    ,

Following with my own irssi status based on an html file which is generated on the server where the irssi daemon is running using the irssi script away2web. The username and password in this example are needed for basic htaccess authentication:

irssiState= conky_parse("${exec curl --user USERNAME:PASSWORD https://URLTOGENERATEDAWAY2WEBFILE/status.html -k -s | head -1}")

if irssiState == '1' then
    color = theme
    message = ''
    state = 'Online'
    color = theme
    message = conky_parse("${exec curl --user USERNAME:PASSWORD https://URLTOGENERATEDAWAY2WEBFILE/status.html -k -s | tail -1}")
    state = 'Offline '

settings = {--IRSSI TITLE
    x=100             , y=51          ,
    txt_weight=0        , txt_size=12 ,
    txt_fg_colour=theme , txt_fg_alpha=fga ,

settings = {--IRSSI STATE
    x=160             , y=51          ,
    txt_weight=1        , txt_size=12 ,
    txt_fg_colour=color , txt_fg_alpha=fga ,

settings = {--IRSSI MESSAGE
    x=207             , y=51          ,
    txt_weight=0        , txt_size=10 ,
    txt_fg_colour=theme , txt_fg_alpha=fga ,

And as last informational message in this column a minimal overview of your infrastructure based on an icinga instance based on a conky-icinga bash script:

IcingaState=conky_parse("${execpi 53 PATH/TO/}")
if IcingaState == 'OK' then
    color = fgc
elseif IcingaState == 'WARN' then
    color = fgc
    color = fgc

settings = {--ICINGA TITLE
    x=100             , y=80          ,
    txt_weight=0        , txt_size=12 ,
    txt_fg_colour=fgc , txt_fg_alpha=fga ,

settings = {--ICINGA STATE
    x=160             , y=80          ,
    txt_weight=1        , txt_size=12 ,
    txt_fg_colour=color , txt_fg_alpha=fga ,

As you can see in the middle section I added a counter for incoming mails based on my maildir folders:

    settings = {--MAILS
    txt=conky_parse("Inuits: ${new_mails PATH/TO/MAILDIR}"),
    x=(w/2)-160             , y=65          ,
    txt_weight=0        , txt_size=12 ,
    txt_fg_colour=fgc , txt_fg_alpha=fga ,

Depending if the spotify service is running conky will display the 'Now playing song - artist':

    txt=conky_parse("${if_running spotify}z${endif}"),
    x=(w/2)+60             , y=83          ,
    txt_weight=0        , txt_size=10 ,
    txt_fg_colour=theme , txt_fg_alpha=fga ,

settings = {--SPOTIFY
    txt=conky_parse("${if_running spotify}${exec sudo spotify-nowplaying}${endif}"),
    x=(w/2)+67             , y=83          ,
    txt_weight=0        , txt_size=10 ,
    txt_fg_colour=theme , txt_fg_alpha=fga ,

The same counts for cmus a command line music player which will show 'Now playing song - artist when active' using a very basic script

settings = {--CMUS MUSIC SYMBOL
    txt=conky_parse("${if_running cmus}z${endif}"),
    x=(w/2)+60             , y=83          ,
    txt_weight=0        , txt_size=10 ,
    txt_fg_colour=theme , txt_fg_alpha=fga ,

settings = {--CMUS
    txt=conky_parse("${if_running cmus}${execi 2 ~/PATH/TO/}${endif}"),
    x=(w/2)+67             , y=83          ,
    txt_weight=0        , txt_size=10 ,
    txt_fg_colour=theme , txt_fg_alpha=fga ,

4 cpu's will be used to draw the CPU graphics and showing the load of the local machine:

settings = {--CPU GRAPH CPU1
        value=tonumber(conky_parse("${cpu cpu1}")),
        value_max=100              ,
        x=xp                       , y=yp                        ,
        graph_radius=22            ,
        graph_thickness=5          ,
        graph_start_angle=180      ,
        graph_unit_angle=2.7       , graph_unit_thickness=2.7    ,
        graph_bg_colour=bgc        , graph_bg_alpha=bga          ,
        graph_fg_colour=theme      , graph_fg_alpha=fga          ,
        hand_fg_colour=theme       , hand_fg_alpha=0.0           ,
        txt_radius=35              ,
        txt_weight=1               , txt_size=8.0                ,
        txt_fg_colour=fgc          , txt_fg_alpha=fga            ,
        graduation_radius=28       ,
        graduation_thickness=0     , graduation_mark_thickness=1 ,
        graduation_unit_angle=27   ,
        graduation_fg_colour=theme , graduation_fg_alpha=0.3     ,
        caption='CPU'              ,
        caption_weight=1           , caption_size=10.0           ,
        caption_fg_colour=fgc      , caption_fg_alpha=fga        ,

settings = {--CPU GRAPH CPU2
        value=tonumber(conky_parse("${cpu cpu2}")) ,
        value_max=100              ,
        x=xp                       , y=yp                        ,
        graph_radius=17            ,
        graph_thickness=5          ,
        graph_start_angle=180      ,
        graph_unit_angle=2.7       , graph_unit_thickness=2.7    ,
        graph_bg_colour=bgc        , graph_bg_alpha=bga          ,
        graph_fg_colour=theme      , graph_fg_alpha=fga          ,
        hand_fg_colour=theme       , hand_fg_alpha=0.0           ,
        txt_radius=9               ,
        txt_weight=1               , txt_size=8.0                ,
        txt_fg_colour=fgc          , txt_fg_alpha=fga            ,
        graduation_radius=28       ,
        graduation_thickness=0     , graduation_mark_thickness=1 ,
        graduation_unit_angle=27   ,
        graduation_fg_colour=theme , graduation_fg_alpha=0.3     ,
        caption=''                 ,
        caption_weight=1           , caption_size=10.0           ,
        caption_fg_colour=fgc      , caption_fg_alpha=fga        ,

settings = {--CPU GRAPH CPU3
        value=tonumber(conky_parse("${cpu cpu3}")) ,
        value_max=100              ,
        x=xp                       , y=yp                        ,
        graph_radius=17            ,
        graph_thickness=5          ,
        graph_start_angle=180      ,
        graph_unit_angle=2.7       , graph_unit_thickness=2.7    ,
        graph_bg_colour=bgc        , graph_bg_alpha=bga          ,
        graph_fg_colour=theme      , graph_fg_alpha=fga          ,
        hand_fg_colour=theme       , hand_fg_alpha=0.0           ,
        txt_radius=0               ,
        txt_weight=1               , txt_size=8.0                ,
        txt_fg_colour=fgc          , txt_fg_alpha=fga            ,
        graduation_radius=28       ,
        graduation_thickness=0     , graduation_mark_thickness=1 ,
        graduation_unit_angle=27   ,
        graduation_fg_colour=theme , graduation_fg_alpha=0.3     ,
        caption=''                 ,
        caption_weight=1           , caption_size=10.0           ,
        caption_fg_colour=fgc      , caption_fg_alpha=fga        ,

settings = {--CPU GRAPH CPU4
        value=tonumber(conky_parse("${cpu cpu4}")) ,
        value_max=100              ,
        x=xp                       , y=yp                        ,
        graph_radius=17            ,
        graph_thickness=5          ,
        graph_start_angle=180      ,
        graph_unit_angle=2.7       , graph_unit_thickness=2.7    ,
        graph_bg_colour=bgc        , graph_bg_alpha=bga          ,
        graph_fg_colour=theme      , graph_fg_alpha=fga          ,
        hand_fg_colour=theme       , hand_fg_alpha=0.0           ,
        txt_radius=-9              ,
        txt_weight=1               , txt_size=8.0                ,
        txt_fg_colour=fgc          , txt_fg_alpha=fga            ,
        graduation_radius=28       ,
        graduation_thickness=0     , graduation_mark_thickness=1 ,
        graduation_unit_angle=27   ,
        graduation_fg_colour=theme , graduation_fg_alpha=0.3     ,
        caption=''                 ,
        caption_weight=1           , caption_size=10.0           ,
        caption_fg_colour=fgc      , caption_fg_alpha=fga        ,

settings = {--LOAD
        x=xp+10             , y=yp+38,
        txt_weight=0        , txt_size=10 ,
        txt_fg_colour=theme , txt_fg_alpha=fga ,

I also added a additional graph for the temperature based on acpi:

settings = {--TEMP GRAPH
        value_max=100              ,
        x=xp                       , y=yp                        ,
        graph_radius=22            ,
        graph_thickness=5          ,
        graph_start_angle=180      ,
        graph_unit_angle=2.7       , graph_unit_thickness=2.7    ,
        graph_bg_colour=bgc        , graph_bg_alpha=bga          ,
        graph_fg_colour=theme      , graph_fg_alpha=fga          ,
        hand_fg_colour=theme       , hand_fg_alpha=0.0           ,
        txt_radius=0               ,
        txt_weight=1               , txt_size=8.0                ,
        txt_fg_colour=fgc          , txt_fg_alpha=fga            ,
        graduation_radius=22       ,
        graduation_thickness=4     , graduation_mark_thickness=2 ,
        graduation_unit_angle=27   ,
        graduation_fg_colour=theme , graduation_fg_alpha=0.5     ,
        caption='TEMP'              ,
        caption_weight=1           , caption_size=10.0           ,
        caption_fg_colour=fgc      , caption_fg_alpha=fga        ,

I'm moving around a lot, connecting to wifi or wired depending on location. To let conky graph the right interface I wrote a wrapper around that:

iface = conky_parse("${exec ip n | awk {'print $3'} | head -1}")
if iface == 'em1' then
        ifaceCaption = 'EM1'
        ifaceCaption = 'WLAN0'

settings = {--NETWORK GRAPH UP
        value=tonumber(conky_parse("${upspeedf " .. iface .. "}")),
        value_max=100              ,
        x=xp                       , y=yp                        ,
        graph_radius=17            ,
        graph_thickness=5          ,
        graph_start_angle=180      ,
        graph_unit_angle=2.7       , graph_unit_thickness=2.7    ,
        graph_bg_colour=bgc        , graph_bg_alpha=bga          ,
        graph_fg_colour=theme      , graph_fg_alpha=fga          ,
        hand_fg_colour=theme       , hand_fg_alpha=0.0           ,
        txt_radius=0               ,
        txt_weight=1               , txt_size=8.0                ,
        txt_fg_colour=fgc          , txt_fg_alpha=fga            ,
        graduation_radius=28       ,
        graduation_thickness=0     , graduation_mark_thickness=1 ,
        graduation_unit_angle=27   ,
        graduation_fg_colour=theme , graduation_fg_alpha=0.3     ,
        caption=''                 ,
        caption_weight=1           , caption_size=10.0           ,
        caption_fg_colour=fgc      , caption_fg_alpha=fga        ,

settings = {--NETWORK GRAPH DOWN
        value=tonumber(conky_parse("${downspeedf " .. iface .. "}")),
        value_max=100              ,
        x=xp                       , y=yp                        ,
        graph_radius=22            ,
        graph_thickness=5          ,
        graph_start_angle=180      ,
        graph_unit_angle=2.7       , graph_unit_thickness=2.7    ,
        graph_bg_colour=bgc        , graph_bg_alpha=bga          ,
        graph_fg_colour=theme      , graph_fg_alpha=fga          ,
        hand_fg_colour=theme       , hand_fg_alpha=0.0           ,
        txt_radius=35              ,
        txt_weight=1               , txt_size=8.0                ,
        txt_fg_colour=fgc          , txt_fg_alpha=fga            ,
        graduation_radius=28       ,
        graduation_thickness=0     , graduation_mark_thickness=1 ,
        graduation_unit_angle=27   ,
        graduation_fg_colour=theme , graduation_fg_alpha=0.3     ,
        caption=ifaceCaption              ,
        caption_weight=1           , caption_size=10.0           ,
        caption_fg_colour=fgc      , caption_fg_alpha=fga        ,

Depending on those locations I get other ip addresses on other networks and therefore other SMTP services. To tackle those smtp service I wrote a setsmtp script which will be called from within my conky setup based on the ip addresses:

if iface =='em1' then
        ip = conky_parse("${addr em1}")
        if ip == 'IP AT WORK PLACE ONE' then
           conky_parse("${exec setsmtp -b}")
        elseif ip == 'IP AT WORK PLACE TO' then
           conky_parse("${exec setsmtp -t}")

        settings = {--IP ADDRESS
                x=xp+10             , y=83,
                txt_weight=0        , txt_size=10 ,
                txt_fg_colour=theme , txt_fg_alpha=fga ,

elseif iface == 'wlan0' then

        ssid = conky_parse("${wireless_essid wlan0}")
        if ssid == 'SSID WORK PLACE ONE' then
           conky_parse("${exec setsmtp -b}")
        elseif ssid == 'SSID HOME' then
           conky_parse("${exec shares -a}")
           conky_parse("${exec setsmtp -t}")
           conky_parse("${exec setsmtp -t}")

        settings = {--WIRELESS INFO
                txt=conky_parse("${wireless_link_qual wlan0} %"),
                x=xp+10             , y=83,
                txt_weight=1        , txt_size=10 ,
                txt_fg_colour=theme , txt_fg_alpha=fga ,


To monitor my battery state I added this graph:

settings = {--BATTERY GRAPH
        value_max=100              ,
        x=xp                       , y=yp                        ,
        graph_radius=22            ,
        graph_thickness=5          ,
        graph_start_angle=180      ,
        graph_unit_angle=2.7       , graph_unit_thickness=2.7    ,
        graph_bg_colour=bgc        , graph_bg_alpha=bga          ,
        graph_fg_colour=theme      , graph_fg_alpha=fga          ,
        hand_fg_colour=theme       , hand_fg_alpha=0.0           ,
        txt_radius=0               ,
        txt_weight=1               , txt_size=8.0                ,
        txt_fg_colour=fgc          , txt_fg_alpha=fga            ,
        graduation_radius=22       ,
        graduation_thickness=4     , graduation_mark_thickness=2 ,
        graduation_unit_angle=27   ,
        graduation_fg_colour=theme , graduation_fg_alpha=0.5     ,
        caption='BATTERY'              ,
        caption_weight=1           , caption_size=10.0           ,
        caption_fg_colour=fgc      , caption_fg_alpha=fga        ,

        txt=conky_parse("${acpiacadapter} ${battery_time}"),
        x=xp-25             , y=83,
        txt_weight=0        , txt_size=10 ,
        txt_fg_colour=theme , txt_fg_alpha=fga ,

As you saw in the network topic I set a todo variable based on my location. That variable will point to a specific tracks-work/tracks-personal bash script which will grab my todo's for work or for leisure ;)

conky_parse("${execpi 53 ~/.conky/scripts/tracks-" .. todo .. ".sh}")
arrayYfactors={'20', '35', '51', '65'}

for i, Yfactor in ipairs(arrayYfactors) do
        firstchar=conky_parse("${exec head -" .. i .. " ~/.conky/scripts/todo-" .. todo .. " | tail -1 | sed -r 's/^  //' | cut -d ' ' -f 1}")
        if firstchar == '*' then
        elseif firstchar == '-' then

        settings = { --TODO column
                txt=conky_parse("${exec head -" .. i .. " ~/.conky/scripts/todo-" .. todo .. " | tail -1 | sed -r 's/^  //' | cut -d '(' -f 1}"),
                x=xp+80             , y=Yfactor,
                txt_weight=tmpweight        , txt_size=12,
                txt_fg_colour=tmpcolour , txt_fg_alpha=fga ,

And last but not least based on location I monitor also a specific jenkins job using the conky hudson script

settings = { --JENKINS TITLE
          txt=conky_parse("${exec ~/.conky/scripts/hudson/ -t ~/.conky/scripts/hudson/" .. todo .. ".template | cut -d '|' -f 1 | head -1}"),
          x=xp+80             , y=80,
          txt_weight=1       , txt_size=9,
          txt_fg_colour=theme , txt_fg_alpha=fga ,

  settings = { --JENKINS line
          txt=conky_parse("${exec ~/.conky/scripts/hudson/ -t ~/.conky/scripts/hudson/" .. todo .. ".template | cut -d '|' -f 2 | sed 's/_/ /' | head -1}"),
          x=xp+178             , y=80,
          txt_weight=0        , txt_size=10,
          txt_fg_colour=fgc , txt_fg_alpha=fga ,

The conky hudson template used in this last feature is looking like:

nameofyourjenkinsjob|#[1;number] [1;result] [1;id]